The power of knee-high boots
I bought my first ever pair of knee-high boots last week, right after Gok Wan’s appearance at Manukau! It was on a bit of a chance, I’d seen the boots suitable for “athletic” calves in the No. 1 Shoe Warehouse brochure so I thought I’d give it a go and they fit!
I’ve never owned a pair of knee-high boots before, I have either been too young, too broke (student) or too fat. My legs are my biggest, challenge, shall we say. I hate them, from my fat ankles to my large thighs there is nothing I like about them…at all.
I bought them straight away, didn’t think twice. I love them, they make me feel confident and sexy and thin! Because I know how hard it is to find boots that fit, the very fact that I fit some makes me feel on top of the world.
Isn’t it amazing how an item in your wardrobe can give your self-esteem such a boost!
Do you have an article of clothing or pair or shoes or even an accessory that makes you feel sexy and confident?
Please share!